Have you lived?
This week I finally made my pilgrimage. It was long overdue, honestly. On September 27, Greg and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary, and I was gifted a gorgeous pair of handmade boots. I'd been dying to wear them all over town, but I was told that I had to go to SoCo to have a look-see in the store before I broke in my new kicks. Three weeks later, and recently invigorated by our awesomely autumn weather, I loaded up my little shopping partner and we trucked it south of the river for a peek.
...For all of you who I haven't emailed/called back recently, please know that my lag time on life is unfortunately long right now, as is evidenced here... I'm working on getting better, but the insurmountable laundry mountain is always calling my name...
Jerry Ryan, our local boot designing Dubliner, is clearly the best at what he does. His shop is stacked floor to ceiling with shelves of the most gorgeous boots you've ever laid your sweet eyes on. Baby in arms, I pushed through the glass door painted with the rules, including "No Strollers," and "No Ropers," and was suddenly overtaken by the sweet smell of gen-u-wine leather. Heaven on God's green Earth.
Mr. Ryan helped me sort through the big footed ladies' styles to ensure I'd have a chance to see all of the boots available before making my decision. I tried on the stunning Flores Boot, as well as the divine Katy Boot. Two very different styles. Both delectably comfortable. It was settled: my man knows me like the back of his dadgum hand. That GB. He bought me the perfect boots for our year number three. Sharkskin wingtip limited edition beauties with the softest leather shank you've ever seen. I snapped a few photos of my new lovelies:
Tall Girls |
Wing Tippy Tappers |
Glorious Stitching |